Everyone wants to know the secret to getting into the present moment. After all, time slips away unnoticed if we let it, caught up in a busy, overthinking mind. Whereby when we live a mindful life, we are truly here, living in the now. Enjoying the moment. Improving the overall quality of our ...
50 Shifting Affirmations to Wake Up Your Mom Strength
Affirmations are statements that we repeat to ourselves again and again. Through repetition, we start to believe in these affirmations, as they work at a neurological level on our thoughts and behaviours. Most importantly, they can shift our lives for the better. So are you in? Are you ...
Self Care Ideas For Busy Moms
Self Care Ideas When you look at the world, what do you see? What are your thoughts on the news and current events? Do you think it will improve or worsen over time? The truth is that our actions have a significant impact on how we feel. But regardless of what's happening outside your control, you ...
Bathing Baby With Milk – Our (Not So) Crazy Routine
There was a time - thankfully a loooooong time ago now, where I didn’t think twice about what products I put on my skin. Is it cheap? Great. Is it two in one? Even better! I’d head to the shops, innocently picking up the tackiest shower gel known to ...
Slowing Down & Enjoying Life – Welcome to Slow Motherhood
Slowing Down and Enjoying Life There's an unmistakable fascination with the simple life, of slowing down and actually enjoying your day. Can it be real, you ask? Slowing down? Enjoying a simpler, freer, happier life? Of course it can. And in this post I'll share how it can be ...
Self Care Acts For Moms (Despite Time Being None Existent)
There's so much information out there on the important things in motherhood that it can seem mind-boggling. Where do you even start? If self-care gives you this feeling (i.e. you've no idea what it is or how to do it) then read this post fully. It will help you. Self-care is essential for ...
Poems about Self Love and Confidence
We all go through emotional ups and downs. Welcome to being human! With all the digital overload we're exposed to these days, reading poetry can be a welcome respite. I invite you to enjoy this amalgamation of poetry. Read them, take your time, and allow yourself to feel the words. Whatever ...
Nurturing Gifts for New Mums (Shopping Guide)
After all that hard work, you'll want to get her something she'll use and love, right? So, here you go. A list of the best gifts for new mums. Something to help her relax maybe? Or to help her be kind to herself during the baby moon phase? It's all here. So - to the point. A new mum (as a ...
Your 16 Month Old & Their Toddler Temper Tantrums: A Guide
There's a distinct moment as a parent when the 16 month old tantrum hits. Where you realise you've got a toddler. For me, it happened both times when a) they started walking, and b) they give you that cheeky look. You know the one? It happens rapidly, truth be told. Going from a ...
5 Harmful Motherhood Myths To Ignore
Let's kick off with some none motherhood myths, shall we? Here goes. “I’m sick of hearing that I should be back to my pre-baby weight by now!” “I’m fed up feeling guilty and never knowing if I’m doing the right thing.” “I’m such a bad mum for… (insert reason)” Sound familiar? These for ...
How To Be A Happy Stay At Home Mom: 5 Easy Steps
Don't roll your eyes just yet. In this post, I'll share my best tips on the matter of how to be a happy stay-at-home mom. Now, truth be told, becoming a stay-at-home mom is a big deal. It takes the decision to make it happen - likely a conversation about finances and whatnot to make it a ...
8 Easy Activities For Mindfulness Practice
My aim with this post is to describe to you different activities for mindfulness, so you feel the goodness and reap the rewards. Rewards of Mindfulness being - feeling calmer, centred, grounded, happier, and thankful. Mindfulness is somewhat of a passion and something I return to again ...