Affirmations are statements that we repeat to ourselves again and again.
Through repetition, we start to believe in these affirmations, as they work at a neurological level on our thoughts and behaviours.
Most importantly, they can shift our lives for the better.
So are you in? Are you willing to try some affirmations on yourself with my guidance?
In this post, I’ll share how I work with affirmations and what process I follow to make positive changes happen, so you can do the same.
Shifting Affirmations
First, a question!
Were you one of those kids who, on sports day, repeated “I’m gonna win, I’m gonna wiiiiiin!!!” over and over again just before the race?
(Or is it just me?)
Repeating words like that to motivate and inspire ourselves are called affirmations.
I have no clue when affirmations (the name) came in, but that tends to be the term to describe a repetitive phrase that causes a reality shifting response.
The reason shifting affirmations in particular are powerful is because they work at the level of the subconscious mind.
Negative thoughts can be switched to positive thoughts simply by repeating positive statements to ourselves.
Your current reality can change after just a few minutes of repeating powerful shifting affirmations.
You know how athletes and superstars repeat phrases such as “I can do this” repeatedly? They are creating their desired reality by using shifting affirmations.
But you may grumble that the average person has no chance in hell of changing their life through affirmations alone.
How can little me change my life with affirmations you ask? Well, read on friend!
Repeating your own affirmations that resonate with where you’re at in life can profoundly transform your mindset and behaviour patterns.
Pure Consciousness
When we repeat shifting affirmations, we bring ourselves into a conscious state.
We’re not sitting there fretting, twiddling our thumbs, mindlessly getting deeper into a low mood.
We are proactively taking charge and creating good things in our minds and bodies.
In a similar way to the law of attraction, which states that what we put out returns to us, shifting affirmations can bridge to a different reality.
One in which we see life and our situation differently, and we, therefore, create what we want to have happen.
First Try
To begin using affirmations for the first time, I recommend choosing one or two from the list below.
Take your time to read through them, and if you feel a little pull in your stomach or gut twitch, that’s a sign that one of them resonates with you.
I advise first writing the affirmation down or printing it out and sticking it on your desk or wall where you’ll see it daily.
And then it’s just a case of repeating it, at least 10-20 times every day. You can repeat it ten times in a row or sporadically throughout the day, whichever works best.
And if you can repeat it more, then do!
Shifting Affirmations
- I am ready to pursue the life I want
- I am strong, I am powerful, I am unique
- I know what I need to do!
- I can totally DO THIS!
- Nothing will stop me from reaching my goals
- I am in charge of my own life
- I am surrounded by those who love me
- Divine connections run through my blood
- A positive mindset leads to a positive life
- I am the creator of my life
- Life brings me what I need every time
- I have control of my thoughts
- Past experiences do not define me
- I am calm and at peace in myself
- I know where my home is, it is within me
- I am home
- I am safe
- I create my reality through my thoughts and actions
- I am love
- I am courage
- I am grateful
- I am happy
- I am strong
- I am a force to be reckoned with
- No one can tell me what I can or can’t do
- I am here now and need nothing more
- Everything I need I have already in my life
- Life is love, and love is life
- Low self-esteem doesn’t exist in my world
- I find peace when I breathe deeply and calmly
- I am fine, I am safe, all is well
- I appreciate who I am and what I offer
- I love myself through and through
- I can see a better reality in my future
- My future self wants me to know (…)
- I forgive my past and those in it who hurt me
- My day will be beautiful no matter what happens
- I choose to feel happy right now!
- I am not defined by my bank balance
- I know my worth and stick by my values
- I let go of things I cannot control
- My body knows what’s best for me
- I choose to love and embrace my gorgeous body
- I am worthy of love and affection
- There is much beauty in this world which I choose to see
- I choose to embrace the good things life offers me and ditch the bad
- I can create my ideal reality starting now
- I put myself first right now
- I love being me and am proud of my achievements
- My inner child wants me to know that (…)
- I was born love and continue to act from love
- This one wild & precious life is mine for the taking!
Power of Shifting Affirmations
You may notice that affirmations are usually written in a positive way?
This is because the brain cannot tell the difference between what it thinks vs what we forcibly tell it. And all our thinking processes develop over a long period, usually many years.
Therefore, the shifting process only ever occurs due to regular use of affirmations. Once or twice won’t cut it!
Every day without fail, you need to repeat, repeat, repeat, to get those affirmations into your belief system.
Physical Body
You may be sceptical as to what effect affirmations have on your physical body?
Particularly if you suffer from chronic stress or anxiety, your body may feel tense and uncomfortable.
But regular affirmations will help with this.
And like I said before, the results aren’t instant.
You need to persist with affirmations to become a master shifter!
One of the most powerful affirmations I repeat is “My past is not me now”, and this helps me step out of my automatic behaviour and into how I want to behave.
Coming from a background of wanting to please everyone and totally being afraid of what anyone thought of me, affirmations have hands down helped me overcome this.
You can create a new reality for yourself, literally in days, if you use affirmations that resonate with how you want to feel and be.
Bottom line is, affirmations work.
They are fantastic to overcome feelings of self-doubt and negative energy from your life. I created a beautiful set of 90 affirmation cards suitable for all purposes if you want to take a look.
To complement affirmations, why not start a journaling practice? It’s proven to help improve your mental space and shift from negative to positive.
Now, take a deep breath.
And let’s start.
Go back to the list above and choose just ONE affirmation and repeat it 20 times in a row.
And do the same tomorrow.
And the next day.
You’ve got this!
Comment on this post below, and let me know how you find using these shifting affirmations? I’d love to hear from you!
Lastly, if you fancy even more affirmations, check these out!
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