Table of Contents
Welcome to some beautiful poems about life. Did I tell you I love poetry?!
Writing it (mostly,) but also reading a good poem. The best poems sum up the sheer scale of experiences in one sitting I think.
And that, to the human brain, is a refreshing thing. So simple, right!
“How does that poem just get where I’m at right now?”
I know, dear ones. I know. Read on!
Beautiful poems about life
In this digital era, we’re bombarded with information daily—some useful, some not. I invite you to ignore all the information and tune into my poems instead, just for a moment.
I’ve included several of my own poems here – never before published – for you to read and contemplate, giving you much-needed rest and relaxation.
Some of them are shorter poems, some longer, and some may one day become famous poems with your help, dear reader; reading my poetry means the world to me.
So thank you for reading. I really mean that.
Human Nature
Let’s start as we mean to go on.
I’m talking human nature—the best song and the hardest hit in some ways. Beautiful poems about life notoriously ask readers to question and challenge themselves slightly. It’s not all roses and fairies, much as I’d like it to be.
Take this poem as an example. It causes you to reconsider and recreate. I find it pretty powerful.
The human soul
Humans often ask questions about recurring themes such as love, loss, life, the present moment, and existence.
Our inner life, too, may look vastly different from our outer life. Would you agree? We all hold secrets, and the greatest poems delve deep into secrets so the reader can feel understood and validated.
A different perspective
I admit that I have rather an existential view of life.
I used to panic big style that I wasn’t doing enough or making the ‘most of my time’ here on earth, but truth be told, those emotions have slowly dwindled since becoming a mom.
I wouldn’t say my children ‘healed’ me, but understanding what matters most is crucial to overcoming existentialism I think.
A full life can be lived simply by surrendering and accepting. Now, this is not ‘giving up,’ as some would say, but it is letting go of the need to control certain life experiences.
Grace of the world
To me, the best life is a life lived true to the self.
But the reality is we are not alone. We are a species that thrives on living together. Even introverts don’t want to be alone all the time. We need each other and have the best times when we’re together.
This understanding is why we struggle as a society.
We openly struggle with social media, for example.
“Being more connected than ever yet lonelier than ever.” Have you heard this?
It’s because we need each other in real life. We need physical contact—hugs, hand holds, rubs on shoulders, sex, and relationships. Screens don’t do it.
Long story short, loved ones matter.
A beautiful life is a life lived together. It’s one of the intricacies of life, yet to me, it’s so freaking clear it makes me want to shake the world to wake up.
Perhaps this is the most beautiful poem you’ve read on this post today. Even though it’s not ‘traditionally beautiful,’ it surely makes you pause… and that’s a beautiful thing.
Best selection of poems
I tend to include 5 or 6 poems in each post, as overwhelm is real, and I don’t want to water down their impact.
I haven’t got a ‘best books’ list of poetry, nor do I have the best score when it comes to modern poets doing their thing, but I figured I’d share some of my other poetry posts below for you to explore if you enjoyed this one.
Poems on Motherhood (A Collection)
A little morning rain
Without further ado, I’ll sign off this post by sharing something that is dear to me: the understanding that life is fleeting, transient, and changeable.
The only thing certain is change. That is a fact. And we can battle against that, or we can embrace that.
Which will you choose, I wonder?
I hope you enjoyed these poems! I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback so drop me a comment below if feel like it. Thank you for reading. Sophie x
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